F-047 until F-052 (AN-xx) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
xx.xx.2025 FACO o/o - First flight Cameri, Italy
xx.xx.2025 - - - Expected delivery to 312sq Volkel Airbase


F-041 until F-046 (AN-xx) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
xx.xx.2024 FACO o/o - First flight Cameri, Italy
xx.xx.2024 - - - Expected delivery to 312sq Volkel Airbase

F-040 (AN-40) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
21.02.2024 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
31.07.2024 ACC/312sq Insp. NAF322 Delivery Flight via LWD AB
11.11.2024 ACC/322sq act. POLLY02 First operational flight/Mission

January 25, 2024 : Start of the first Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) with 2 F-35A Lightning II from Fightertown Leeuwarden
until February 18th.Source LWD AB.


F-039 (AN-39) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
05.12.2023 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
11.01.2024 ACC/312sq Insp. NAF322 Delivery Flight via LWD AB, First F-35A 312sq Volkel Airbase
24.04.2024 ACC/322sq act. SLAMMER02 First operational flight/Mission
02.05.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-039 on the nosewheel doors, with 322SQN & ACC markings tail

F-038 (AN-38) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
07.11.2023 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
18.01.2024 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF322 Delivery Flight via LWD AB, last F-35A for 313sq Volkel Airbase
15.05.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx First operational flight/Mission
04.06.2024 ACC/313sq act. POLLY04 Delivery to Volkel (last F-35A for ACC/313sq)

F-037 (AN-37/22-5745) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
01.09.2023 FACO act.. - First flight Cameri, Italy
28.09.2023 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF323 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
11.04.2023 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With 313SQN & ACC markings tail and F-037 markings nosewheel door
15.02.2024 ACC/313sq act. NAF313 First operational flight/Mission

F-036 (AN-36/22-5744) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
09.10.2023 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
23.11.2023 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
xx.xx.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-036 on the nosewheel doors,
xx.xx.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "WOLF" at Left nosewheel door

F-035 (AN-35/22-5743) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
29.08.2023 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
27.09.2023 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF322 Delivery Flight for 313sq via Leeuwarden Airbase
03.01.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx First operational flight/Mission LWD,

F-034 (AN-34/20-5663) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
01.12.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
22.02.2023 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
05.03.2024 ACC/313sq act. HAMMER03 First operational flight/Mission

February 13, 2023 Dutch F-35s intercept 3 Russian aircraft from Poland.

2 Dutch F-35s carried out a first intercept from Poland. Earlier today, the Dutch quick reaction alert (QRA) was activated in Poland.
The 2 fighters were sent into the air to identify and escort a formation of aircraft. The then unknown aircraft were approaching the
Polish NATO area of responsibility from Kaliningrad. After identification, it turned out to be 3 aircraft:

a Russian IL-20M Coot-A escorted by
2 SU-27 Flankers.

Dutch F-35s remotely escorted the formation and handed the escort over to the NATO partner German Airforce / Luftwaffe with the Eurofighters.
Source Mindef.

January 27, 2023 : One team, two tasks.
The Royal Air Force's first F-35s (F-014, F-018, F-020) arrived in Poland this afternoon (followed by the F-017, F-016, F-022, F-010, F-011).
From Malbork Air Base in the north of the country, the fighter planes will guard NATO airspace over Eastern Europe in February and March.
In addition to this so-called "Air Policing," there will also be plenty of training with allies. "At the end of the day, this is what you do it for."
Source Mindef.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force is preparing a deployment of their F-35 fighter jets in support of NATO’s enhanced Air Policing
mission in the northeast.

Eight 322sq F-35s are going to deploy to Malbork, Poland, to join NATO’s mission bolstering the defensive posture along the eastern
flank in February and March 2023. While four of the fifth-generation fighters will be employed in support of policing the skies in the
region, the other four aircraft will conduct training and exercise drills with Allies, ready to augment the defensive mission when required.
[Read more ...]


F-033 (AN-33/20-5662) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
10.11.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
14.12.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
18.04.2023 ACC/313sq act. IRON31 First operational flight/Mission
09.02.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With 313SQN & ACC markings tail and F-033 markings nosewheel door

F-032 (AN-32/20-5661) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
28.09.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
16.11.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313A Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
28.02.2024 ACC/313sq act. EPIC04 First operational flight/Mission
28.02.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-032 markings nosewheel door

F-031 (AN-31/20-5660) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
20.09.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
16.11.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313B Delivery Flight for 313sq via Leeuwarden Airbase
10.03.2023 ACC/313sq act. POLLY01 First operational flight/Mission Dep. LWD, after mission to Volkel
12.09.2023 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-031 markings nosewheel doors, Special tail "313 Tigers 70Years"

F-030 (AN-30/20-5659) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
28.07.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
21.10.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight for 313sq via Leeuwarden Airbase
15.03.2023 ACC/313sq act. POLLY01 First operational flight/Mission Dep. EHLW --> EHWO --> Volkel
02.01.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-030 markings nosewheel doors

F-029 (AN-29/20-5658) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
26.07.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
31.08.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
xx.04.2023 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-029 markings nosewheel doors
20.04.2023 ACC/313sq act. BURST24 First operational flight/Mission

F-028 (AN-28/20-5657) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
16.06.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
27.07.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
xx.11.2022 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With 313SQN & ACC markings tail and F-028 markings nosewheel doors
04.05.2023 ACC/313sq act. POLLY04 First operational flight/Mission, M.M.F Soesterberg

F-027 (AN-27/20-5656) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
20.06.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
04.08.2022 ACC/313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery Flight 313sq Volkel Airbase
13.10.2022 ACC/313sq act. TIGER01 First operational Flight/mission
xx.12.2022 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-027 markings nosewheel doors

June 2nd 2022 four F-35s (incl. 2 Spare) NAF322A F-016, NAF322B F-015, NAF322C F-012, NAF322D F-017, from the 322squadron
Arrived from the 2 month deployment NATO Airpolicing (QRA) task at Graf Ignatievo AB, Bulgaria.

April 6th 2022 four F-35s (incl. 2 Spare) NAF322A F-012, NAF322B F-015, NAF322C F-016, NAF322D F-017, from the 322squadron
Departed for a 2 month deployment NATO Airpolicing (QRA) task at Graf Ignatievo AB, Bulgaria. For the first time, Dutch 322sq F-35
fighter aircraft are deployed abroad.

F-026 (AN-26/19-5529) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
02.03.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
08.04.2022 313sq Insp. NAF313 Delivery to 3YYsq (313sq) via Leeuwarden Airbase
22.08.2022 ACC/322sq act. JEDI01 Local Test Flight CTR LWD AB
23.08.2022 ACC/322sq act. POLLY02 First operational Flight/mission to Lakenheath, UK exer. "Point Black"
28.10.2022 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-026 on the nosewheel doors
25.11.2022 ACC/322sq act. POLLY1 Departure to Volkel delivery for the ACC/313sq
28.05.2024 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With 313sq / ACC tail markings

F-025 (AN-25/19-5528) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
01.03.2022 FACO act. - First flight Cameri, Italy
22.03.2022 3YYsq Insp. NAF25 Delivery flight to 3YYsq (313sq) via Leeuwarden Airbase
30.06.2022 ACC/313sq act. TIGER03 First operational flight Dep. to Volkel FAA
30.06.2022 ACC/313sq act. TIGER03 Dep. to Volkel First Aircraft Arrival F-35A 313sq "TIGER" Squadron Volkel
xx.12.2022 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-025 markings nosewheel doors

January 20th 2022 BREAKING NEWS ! Two F-35s (+Spare) from the 322squadron will monitor the airspace in Bulgaria in April and May.
The Netherlands is making additional contributions to the NATO Air Policing mission this year in the context of rising tensions with
Russia. For the first time, Dutch 322sq F-35 fighter aircraft are deployed abroad. Among other things, they must during the QRA task
intercept unknown aircraft over NATO territory.


F-024 (AN-24/19-5527) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
13.12.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
12.01.2022 3YYsq Insp. NAF322A Delivery flight to 3YYsq (313sq) via Leeuwarden Airbase
28.03.2022 313sq/(322sq) act. PANTHER04 First operational flight / mission during Frisian Flag2022
30.06.2022 ACC/313sq act. TIGER01 Dep. to Volkel First Aircraft Arrival F-35A 313sq "TIGER" Squadron Volkel
xx.12.2022 ACC/313sq act. xxxxx With F-024 markings nosewheel doors

F-023 (AN-23/19-5526) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
12.11.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
12.01.2022 3XXsq act. NAF322B Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
28.02.2022 322sq act. JEDI02 First operational flight / mission
30.06.2022 ACC/322sq Insp. TIGER04 Dep. to Volkel First Aircraft Arrival F-35A 313sq "TIGER" Squadron Volkel
xx.04.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-023 markings nosewheel doors
22.12.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "MADDOG" at Left nosewheel door

  With the arrival of the F-023 and the F-024 on January 12th, there was another new F-35A milestone: Leeuwarden Air Base
received the 15th and last F-35A for the 322sq with the F-023. With the delivery of the F-024, the first milestone for Volkel AB is a
fact. During the flight to Leeuwarden Airbase, the two F-35A made a "Low approach" at Volkel Airbase to celebrate this milestone,
after which they went inbound Leeuwarden Airbase. The next five to seven F-35As will be delivered via Leeuwarden AB, where the
first pilots of the 313sq are introduced to the missions with the F-35A.

When the ground crews have completed their training and the infrastructure and buildings are ready, Volkel Air Base can take delivery
of the First Aircraft Arrival (FAA) F-35A 3YYsq (313sq) on June 30.

F-022 (AN-22/19-5525) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
14.10.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
25.11.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
08.02.2022 322sq act. SLAMMER01 First operational flight / mission
xx.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-022 markings nosewheel doors
19.04.2023 ACC/322sq main NAF322 Departure (tdy) Volkel AB (am) to FACO Cameri, Italy for F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
07.06.2023 ACC/322sq main NAF323 Arrival (tdy) Volkel AB (pm) from FACO Cameri, Italy for F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
09.01.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "VIRUS" at Left nosewheel door

A New milestone December 27th 2021 : After the IOC Exercise "Frisian Lightning I", Leeuwarden Airbase, "Frisian Lightning II" and
"Frisian Lightning III" The Netherlands has been officially declared Initial Operational Capable (IOC) with the F-35 322 squadron. This
means that Defense is able to temporarily deploy a unit of 4 F-35s with personnel and equipment anywhere in the world.

We write October 25th 2021 ; Exercise "FRISIAN LIGHTNING III" Pilots and ground personnel of the Leeuwarder F-35 sqn will
depart today to Edwards AFB, USA due to the huge distance between the Netherlands and the USA they will make an intermediate
stop for crew rest at Vermont AFB, USA. This is a so-called displacement exercise, which lasts until week47 end October. Exercise
"Frisian Lightning III" is part of a bigger plan.

The Air Force checks whether the squadron can provide sufficient people and resources in a short period of time. It must be able to
deploy a unit of 4 F-35s including personnel and equipment anywhere in the world. That is the so-called Initial Operational
Capability (IOC) that should be a fact by the end of October 2021.

1st Flight : NAF322 F-009, NAF323 F-010, NAF324 F-011, NAF325 F-012 with tanker support "BLUE61" 82-0191 KC-10A 60AMW
2nd Flight : NAF326 F-015, NAF327 F-016, NAF328 F-017, NAF329 F-018 with tanker support "BLUE71" 86-0038 KC-10A 60AMW
The KC-10A "BLUE61 & 71 arrived Sunday October 24th at Mildenhall AFB to support the Atlantic crossing of the F-35A

Exercise "Frisian Lightning I" had previously tested the packing and dispatch preparation of ground equipment and spare parts.
The experiences from that test are applied in the transfer to Volkel and Edwards AFB, USA.

F-021 (AN-21/19-5524) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
25.08.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
06.10.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
25.11.2021 322sq act. JEDI02 First operational flight / mission
19.01.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-021 markings nosewheel doors
23.02.2023 ACC/322sq main NAF322 Departure (Tdy) Volkel AB to FACO Cameri, Italy for F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
19.04.2023 ACC/322sq act. NAF323 Arrival (Tdy) Volkel AB (pm) from FACO Cameri, Italy for F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)

F-020 (AN-20/19-5523) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
24.08.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
29.09.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
03.11.2021 322sq act. POLLY02 First operational flight / mission
30.06.2022 322sq/ACC act. TIGER02 Dep. to Volkel First Aircraft Arrival F-35A 313sq "TIGER" Squadron Volkel
xx.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx F-020 markings nosewheel doors, and (01-2023) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
02.12.2022 322sq/ACC act. POLLY4 Arr. from Volkel (FAA F-35A 313sq "TIGER" Squadron30-06-22)
07.06.2023 ACC/322sq main NAF322 Departure (tdy) Volkel AB (am) to FACO Cameri, Italy for F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
15.12.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "LIMBO" at Left nosewheel door

With the arrival of the F-020 at September 29th there was a new F-35A milestone : Leeuwarden airbase received the 12th F-35A
Build by LM / FACO, Italy, and is the 20th F-35A for the RNLAF. With this delivery it was the 700th produced and delivered F-35
by Lockheed Martin.

F-019 (AN-19/19-5522) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
23.07.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
31.08.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
06.12.2021 322sq act. PANTHER First operational flight / mission
21.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-019 on the nosewheel doors
09.01.2023 ACC/322sq main NAF322 Departure (am) to FACO Cameri, Italy for First RNLAF F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
09.03.2023 ACC/322sq act. NAF322 Arrival Rwy09 LWD AB from FACO Cameri, Italy for 1st RNLAF F-35A Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Upgrade (M.R.O.U)
31.01.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "PINNR" at Left nosewheel door

F-018 (AN-18/18-5412) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
12.05.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
25.05.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
15.06.2021 322sq act. BOLT First operational flight / mission
xx.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-018 on the nosewheel doors
07.09.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "Greyhound" at Left nosewheel door

F-017 (AN-17/18-5411) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
02.03.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
25.03.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
10.06.2021 322sq act. PANTHER02 First operational flight / mission
xx.01.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-017 on the nosewheel doors
13.02.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "NOTCH" at Left nosewheel door

We write Friday March 5th 2021 ; A new milestone for the RNLAF F-35A's of Leeuwarden AB, the first "1000 flight hours" with
the 3xxsq (322Tactess) F-35's have been made. This morning, the last hours where made by the "JEDI" flight of four F35's.
(JEDI01 F-009, JEDI02 F-010, JEDI03 F-012, JEDI04 F-014)

F-016 (AN-16/18-5410) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
26.01.2021 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
17.02.2021 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
09.03.2021 322sq act. JEDI04 First operational flight / mission
28.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-016 on the nosewheel doors, and (01-2023) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
18.01.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "SILAS" at Left nosewheel door


F-015 (AN-15/18-5409) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
10.12.2020 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
24.12.2020 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
24.02.2021 322sq act. PANTHER04 First operational flight / mission
14.11.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-015 on the nosewheel doors, and (11-2023) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
21.06.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "TESLA" at Left nosewheel door

We write November 9th 2020 ; Exercise "FRISIAN LIGHTNING II"
Pilots and ground personnel of the Leeuwarder F-35 squadron will train from today from Volkel Air Base. This is a so-called displacement exercise,
which lasts until Friday November 20th . Soldier loads an F-35. Show options Exercise "Frisian Lightning II" is part of a bigger plan.

In it, the Air Force checks whether the squadron can provide sufficient people and resources in a short period of time. It must be able to deploy a
unit of 4 F-35s including personnel and equipment anywhere in the world. That is the so-called Initial Operational Capability (IOC) that should be
a fact by the end of 2021. (JEDI01 F-009, JEDI02 F-010, JEDI03 F-011, JEDI04 F-012)

Exercise "Frisian Lightning I" had previously tested the packing and dispatch preparation of ground equipment and spare parts.
The experiences from that test are applied in the transfer to Volkel.

F-014 (AN-14/18-5408) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
02.09.2020 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
17.11.2020 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
24.02.2021 322sq act. BOLT02 First operational flight / mission
18.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-014 on the nosewheel doors, and (01-2023) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
07.09.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx Special tail "322 squadron 1943-2023 80Years,
picture "Jan Leendert Plesman"
15.12.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "SMILEY" C-322 at Right nosewheel door

F-013 (AN-13/18-5407) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
25.08.2020 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
27.10.2020 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
24.11.2020 322sq act. JEDI02 First operational flight / mission
xx.11.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-013 markings nosewheel doors, and with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
22.12.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "BUZZER" at Left nosewheel door

We write Thursday October 1st 2020 ; A another milestone for the 3xxsq (322Tactess) of Leeuwarden AB. After
the first operational mission with three-ship F-35s, the "BOLT" flight made the first four-ship operational mission this morning.
(BOLT01 F-009, BOLT02 F-010, BOLT03 F-011, BOLT04 F-012)

F-012 (AN-12/18-5406) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
18.06.2020 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
14.07.2020 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
04.08.2020 322sq act. xxxxx First operational flight / mission
03.02.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-012 on the nosewheel doors, and with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
26.06.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "BENDER" at Left nosewheel door

We write Thursday August 6th 2020 ; A new milestone for the 3xxsq (322Tactess) of Leeuwarden AB. After the arrival of the first
F-35 at Leeuwarden AB on October 31, 2019 (F -009) The "JEDI flight made the first operational three-ship flight / mission F-35A
(JEDI01 F-009, JEDI02 F-010, JEDI03 F-011) was made this morning. This was also the F-011's first operational mission.

F-011 (AN-11/18-5405) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
16.06.2020 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
14.07.2020 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
06.08.2020 322sq act. JEDI03 First operational flight / mission
xx.01.2023 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With F-011 markings nosewheel doors, and (01-2023) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail
09.01.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "TWEAK" at Left nosewheel door


F-010 (AN-10/17-5309) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
04.11.2019 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
16.12.2019 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
05.02.2020 322sq act. PAIN11 First operational flight / mission
14.10.2022 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx First F-35 with F-010 on the nosewheel doors and (12-2022) with 322SQN & ACC markings tail

F-009 (AN-09/17-5308) F-35A, Build by Leonardo Cameri, Italy
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
09.09.2019 FACO act. xxxxx First flight Cameri, Italy
31.10.2019 3XXsq Insp. NAF322 Delivery flight to 3XXsq (322Tactess) Leeuwarden Airbase
27.11.2019 322sq act. PAIN11 First operational flight / mission
29.04.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With 322SQN & ACC markings tail and F-009 markings nosewheel doors
29.04.2024 ACC/322sq act. xxxxx With Pilot Tactical Callsign "BONO" at Left nosewheel door
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

F-35A "LIGHTNING II" First Aircraft Arrival FAA

F-008/5307 (AN-08/17-5307) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
15.04.2019 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
13.06.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. NAF82/ARCHER12 Arr. for Opendays Volkel, via Cornfield range, First time F-35A dropping 1 GBU49 & 1 GBU12 Inerts. Enroute Volkel
17.06.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. NAF82 Dep. Opendays enroute via Cornfield range, dropping 2 GBU49 Inerts, Enroute Luke AFB C/S NAF82
xx.xx.2022 xxxxx act. xxxxx With 5307 markings nosewheel door
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

F-007/5306 (AN-07/17-5306) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
20.02.2019 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
12.03.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35), Luke AFB, Arizona
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

F-006/5305 (AN-06/17-5305) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
28.01.2019 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
06.03.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35), Luke AFB, Arizona
xx.xx.2020 xxxxx act. xxxxx With 5305 markings nosewheel door
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

F-005/5304 (AN-05/17-5304) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
23.01.2019 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
19.03.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35), Luke AFB, Arizona
xx.xx.2022 xxxxx act. xxxxx With 5304 markings nosewheel door
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

F-004/5303 (AN-04/17-5303) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
08-01.2019 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
07.02.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35), Luke AFB, Arizona
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -


F-003/5302 (AN-03/17-5302) F-35A Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas USA
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
15.12.2018 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
31.01.2019 LMTAS act. - Official Roll-out RNLAF F-35A Ft. Worth, Texas USA
04.02.2019 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35), Luke AFB, Arizona
xx.06.2020 NODF-35/308FS act. " First testflight with the AIM-9X Sidewinder
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -


F-002/OT (AN-02/10-5019) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, USA
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
27-06-2013 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight, Ft. Worth, Texas
21.05.2016 323rd TES/OT&E act. NAF82/ARCHER02 Dep. Edwards AFB enroute to Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands
PILOT: Maj. Pascal "SMILEY" Smaal
14.06.2016 323rd TES/OT&E act. NAF82 Dep. Leeuwarden AB the Netherlands enroute to Edwards AFB
PILOT: Maj. Pascal "SMILEY" Smaal
02.10.2020 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35) ex 323rd TES, Luke AFB, Arizona
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

Arrival First F-35A "LightningII" Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands


F-001/OT (AN-01/09-5008) F-35A, Build by Lockheed Martin Ft. Worth, Texas
Date Unit Status Callsign Remarks
06.08.2012 LMTAS act. xxxxx First flight Ft. Worth, Texas
xx.xx.2013 323rd TES/OT&E act. xxxxx OT&E 323rd TES, Eglin AFB, Florida
26.01.2015 323rd TES/OT&E act. xxxxx OT&E 323rd TES, Edwards AFB, California
21.05.2016 323rd TES/OT&E act. NAF81/ARCHER01 Dep. Edwards AFB enroute to Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands
PILOT: Lt Col. Albert "VIDAL" de Smit
14.06.2016 323rd TES/OT&E act. NAF81 Dep. Leeuwarden AB the Netherlands enroute to Edwards AFB
PILOT: Lt Col. Albert "VIDAL" de Smit
13.06.2019 323rd TES/OT&E act. ARCHER01/NAF81 Arr. for Opendays Volkel, via Cornfield range, ARCHER11 First time F-35A dropping 1 GBU49 & 1 GBU12 Inerts. Enroute Volkel AB
17.07.2019 323rd TES/OT&E act. NAF81 Dep. Opendays enroute Luke AFB,
21.05.2020 NODF-35/308FS act. xxxxx Arr. 308th FS (NODF-35) ex 323rd TES, Luke AFB, Arizona
Credits; PRK-AVIATION.NL - - -

Arrival First F-35A "LightningII" Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands


F-35 RNLAF Database Credits: PRK-Aviation.nl, Mindef, WWW, and others who wants to stay anonymous.

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IMPORTANT: If you use parts off the F-35 RNLAF Database, for any form of publication.
we do like to be credited by name of this site (www.prk-aviation.nl)