Fighter Weapons Instructor Training 2017

"Here comes the boom"

Fighter Weapons Instructor Training 2017

In the period from April 24th until October 27th 2017 will 15 'students' participate in the Fighter Weapons Instructor Training (FWIT).
Denmark-> pilots, The Netherlands-> Pilots, Belgium-> . Pilots, Portugal-> . Pilots, Norway-> . Pilots
FWIT is hosted by the 322 Tactess squadron at the Leeuwarden Airbase.
FWIT, as the course is called, turns experienced European Participating Air Forces (EPAF) F-16 pilots,
usually captains qualified as four-ship flight leads, into weapons officers.

The weapons-instructors has to know after this training all ins and outs of the system (Link 16 datalink capabilities,
the radar performance, GPS-aided inertial navigation system,)
weapons, (500-pound Paveway II bomb, GPS/laser-guided weapons, such as GBU-16, 38, 49
and the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) GBU-39B) and tactics of the Mid Life Update F-16 to be used.

The graduating students and the instructors return to their squadrons with the latest information on weapons and tactics
to share his skills and expirence to his squadron pilots.

Transport Weapons Instructor Course (TWIC) 2017

New during this episode of the FWIT2017 are the 4 'Students' C-130 pilots are follow a training as
Weapons Instructor / Transport weapons Instructor Course (TWIC).

FWIT European Participating Air Forces (EPAF) Participants:

Belgium (BAF)
FA-98 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 02/05 BAF222 / Dep.29/06 BAF232

FA-118 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 02/05 BAF501 / Dep.14/07 BAF513
FA-119 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 02/05 BAF502/Dep.16/06 BAF522/MIG2
FA-83 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 12/05 BAF221 / Dep. 18/05 BAF215
FA-89 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 18/05 BAF215 / Dep. 29/06 BAF221
FA-83 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 09/06 BAF211 / Dep. 20/06 BAF215
FA-127 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 09/06 BAF512 / Dep. 16/06 BAF521
FA-124 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 09/06 BAF511 / Dep. 14/07 BAF511
FA-70 F-16AM 10W/Sp.Tail Arr. 12/06 BAF503 / Dep. 13/06 BAF501
FA-128 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 20/06 BAF215 / Dep. 14/07 BAF212
FA-119 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 23/06 BAF431 / Dep. 12/07 BAF411
FA-117 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 26/06 BAF211 / Dep. 14/07 BAF213
FA-102 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 06/07 BAF421 / Dep. 14/07 BAF512

FB-21 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 1pob BAF221/Dep. 2pob 02/05 BAF221
FB-21 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 2pob BAF222/Dep. 2pob 12/05 BAF221
FB-22 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 1pob BAF212/Dep. .pob 09/06 BAF211
FB-24 F-16AM 10W/Sp.Tail Arr. 1pob BAF502/Dep. 2pob 12/06 BAF502
FB-21 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 2pob BAF501/Dep. 1pob 13/06 BAF502
FB-23 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 1pob BAF432/Dep. 2pob 23/06 BAF431
FB-22 F-16BM 2 Wing Arr. 1pob BAF212/Dep. 2pob 26/06 BAF211
FB-22 F-16BM 2 Wing Arr. 2pob BAF231/Dep. 1pob 29/06 BAF231
FB-22 F-16BM 2 Wing Arr. 2pob BAF211/Dep. 1pob 14/07 BAF211

Flyvevåbnet Denmark
E-610 F-16AM ESK730 Arr. 01/05 DAF3261 / Dep.14/07 DAF3262

E-024 F-16AM ESK727 Arr. 11/05 DAF3262 / Dep. 02/06 DAF3261

E-011 F-16AM ESK727 Arr. 02/06 DAF3261 / Dep.14/07 DAF3261

E-008 F-16AM ESK727 Arr. 14/06 DAF3261 / Dep. MIG2

The Netherlands (RNLAF)
J-871, J-632 F-16AM 322Tactess --
J-135, J-006 F-16AM 322Tactess --
J-144 F-16AM 322Tactess --
J-065 F-16BM 322Tactess --
J-630 F-16AM 312sq/td Arr. 01/05 STING1 / Dep. 12/05 METAL1
J-005 F-16AM 312sq/td Arr. 01/05 STING2 / Dep. 14/07 BULLDOG2

J-020 F-16AM 313sq/322td Arr. 12/05 METAL1 / Dep.23/06 COWBOY1

J-514 F-16AM 313sq/td Arr. 19/05 METAL2 / Dep. 02/06 BONZO2

J-641 F-16AM 312sq/td Arr. 09/06 FIST1 / Dep. 15/6 METAL1
J-514 F-16AM 313sq/td Arr. 14/06 TIGER1 / Dep. 26/06 ANVIL1
J-646 F-16AM 312sq/nmk Arr. 22/06 FLAME2 / Dep. 26/06 ANVIL2
J-020 F-16AM 313sq/322td Arr. 29/06 STING4 / Dep. 14/07 BULLDOG
J-512 F-16AM 312sq Arr. 10/07 COWBOY69 / Dep. 14/07 BULLDOG

Norwegian (RNoAF)
298 F-16AM FLO/Sp.Tail Arr.12/05 NOW338A/Dep.30/06 NOW132F

299 F-16AM FLO Arr.12/05 NOW338B/Dep.26/05 NOW132A

664 F-16AM FLO Arr.12/05 NOW338C/Dep.02/06 NOW132A

686 F-16AM FLO Arr.26/05 NOW132A/Dep.30/06 NOW132D

674 F-16AM FLO Arr.06/06 NOW132A/Dep.30/06 NOW132E
662 F-16AM FLO Arr.07/06 NOW132/Dep.09/06 NOW132C

Força Aérea Portuguesa (Portuguese Airforce), Portugal
15105 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 01-05 AFP85 / Dep. 04/07 AFP83

15114 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr.01-05 AFP86 / Dep. 09/06 AFP53

15131 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 01-05 AFP87 / Dep. 09/06 AFP54

15116 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 10/05 AFP17 / Dep. 26/06 AFP90
15107 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 12/05 AFP21 / Dep. 16/05 AFP94
15112 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 19/05 AFP41 / Dep. 14/07 AFP84
15113 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 19/05 AFP42 / Dep. 14/07 AFP86
15135 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 19/05 AFP43 / Dep. 14/07 AFP87
15110 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 04/07 AFP82 / Dep. 14/07 AFP85

16806 C-130H-30 Esq501/sp.T Arr. / Dep. 01-05 AFP94
16701 C-295M Esq502 Arr. / Dep. 03-05 AFP95
16703 C-295M Esq502 Arr.15-05 AFP34 RON / Dep.16-05 AFP34
16806 C-130H-30 Esq501/sp.T Arr. / Dep. 08-06 AFP99
15119 F-16BM Esq201/301 Arr.10-07 RON/Dep.11/07 2pob AFP33A
15120 F-16BM Esq201/301 Arr.10-07 RON/Dep.11/07 2pob AFP33B
16805 C-130H Esq501 Arr. / Dep. 14-07 AFP04
16803 C-130H Esq501 Arr. / Dep. 15-09 AFP71
16803 C-130H Esq501 Arr. / Dep. 19-09 AFP56

The seven-month course consists of three flying phases:

AIR-TO-AIR phase
The Air-to-Air phase will be from May 1st until July 14th
The air-to-air phase, begins with basic fighter maneuvers (BFM), --> air combat maneuvering (ACM),
At July 14th the Students have successfully completed this phase.
The next phase starts at June --> tactical intercepts (TI),--> finally by air combat training (ACT).
In this period several Nato country will send some fighter who will be playing the "enemy".
After this period there will be a holiday stop until August 14th.

Participants Air-to-Air Phase :
30+70 EF-2000 TaktLwG73 Arr. / Dep. 23-05 GAFS01
00-3001/LN F-15E-63MC 494fs/48fw Arr. / Dep. 24-05 HOWLER61
96-0201/LN F-15E-58MC 494fs/48fw Arr. / Dep. 24-05 HOWLER62
30+51 EF-2000 TaktLwG73 Arr. / Dep. 24-05 GAFS02
30+87 EF-2000 TaktLwG71 Arr. / Dep. 29-05 GAFR01A
30+89 EF-2000 TaktLwG71 Arr. / Dep. 29-05 GAFR01B
00-3001/LN F-15E-63MC 494fs/48fw Arr. / Dep. 30-05 DARK81
30+89 EF-2000 TaktLwG71 Arr. / Dep. 31-05 GAFR01A
30+87 EF-2000 TaktLwG71 Arr. / Dep. 31-05 GAFR01B
053 Falcon20EW Esk717 Arr. 19/06 NOW717B / Dep 23/06 IGOR1

Draken Int. / Skyline Aviation "Northsea aggressor"
New during this episode of the FWIT2017 are the 4 civil L-159E ALCA aircraft, who are simulating the enemy "Red Air".

N259EM/259 L-159E ALCA DRAKEN Arr. 22/06 / Dep. 12/07 ARCTIC11
N159EM/159 L-159E ALCA DRAKEN Arr. 22/06 / Dep. 12/07 ARCTIC12

N258EM/258 L-159E ALCA DRAKEN Arr. 22/06 / Dep. 12/07 ARCTIC13

N262EM/262 L-159E ALCA DRAKEN Arr. 22/06 / Dep. 12/07 ARCTIC14

G-781 C-130H 336sq Arr. 07/07 TDY, mission c/s "DEVIL1"
- - NAF79 Dep. 14/07 TDY, mission c/s "DEVIL1"


The "Air-to-Ground"(Surface) phase begins at August 14th until October 27th. After two weeks of academic,
the "Air-to-Ground"(Surface) phase begins with --> basic range missions --> basic surface attack --> and by opposed surface attack.
The dropping of "Live" and Dummy bombs during the "Air-to-Ground" (Surface) training practiced will be at various shooting ranges in
The Netherlands (Vliehors "Cornfield" Range, Vlieland) and other countries (Oksbol, Denmark). September 14th the FWIT will go to
Bodø,# Norway for the final phase to combine all the learned lessons

Belgium (BAF)
FA-72 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 07/08 BAF211 / Dep. 14/09 BAF275
FA-89 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 07/08 BAF212 / Dep.14/09 BAF213#
FA-126 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 07/08 BAF213 / Dep. 11/08 BAF215
FA-56 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 07/08 BAF511 / Dep. 25/08 BAF501
FA-118 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 07/08 BAF462 / Dep. 21/08 BAF501
FA-119 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 21/08 BAF501 / Dep. 14/09 BAF211#
FA-118 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 25/08 BAF501 / Dep. 12/09 BAF421
FA-114 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 12/09 BAF421 / Dep. 14/09 BAF212#
FA-98 F-16AM 2 Wing Arr. 14/09 BAF275 / Dep.14/09 BAF214#

FB-23 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. / Dep. 07/08 BAF451
FB-17 F-16AM 10 Wing Arr. 1pob BAF461/Dep. 2pob 07/08

Flyvevåbnet Denmark
E-610 F-16AM ESK730 Arr. 09/08 DAF3261 / Dep. 14/09 DAF326.#
E-011 F-16AM ESK727 Arr. 11/08 DAF3262 / Dep. 14/09 DAF326.#

The Netherlands (RNLAF)
J-871, J-135 F-16AM 322Tactess --
J-513 F-16AM 322Tactess --
J-515 F-16AM 322Tactess Dep. 14/09 NAF322F#
J-021 F-16AM 322Tactess Dep. 14/09 NAF322A#
J-008 F-16AM 312sq/td Arr. 07/08 COWBOY1 / Dep. 14/09 CALF2
J-646 F-16AM 312sq/nmk Arr. 07/08 BEAVER1 / Dep. 14/09 CALF1
J-508 F-16AM 313sq Arr. 11/08 NAF313 / Dep.14/09 NAF322#
J-196 F-16AM 312sq/313fc Arr. 16/08 BULLDOG1/Dep.24/08 BULLDOG1
J-005 F-16AM 312sq/td Arr. 24/08 BULLDOG1 / Dep. 14/09 NAF322#
J-015 F-16AM 312sq Arr. 01/09 BONZO1 / Dep. 11/09 TIGER1
J-512 F-16AM 312sq Arr. 11/09 TIGER1 / Dep.14/09 NAF322#
J-055 F-16AM 312sq Arr. 12/09 EPIC1 / Dep. 14/09 NAF322C#

Norwegian (RNoAF)
298 F-16AM FLO/Sp.Tail Arr.07/08 NOW132A/Dep.22/08 NOW132
664 F-16AM FLO Arr.07/08 NOW132B/Dep.14/09 NOW132.#
660 F-16AM FLO Arr.09/08 NOW132A/Dep.14/09 NOW132.#
681 F-16AM FLO Arr.09/08 NOW132C/Dep.14/09 NOW132.#
298 F-16AM FLO/Sp.Tail Arr.22/08 NOW132E/Dep.25/08 NOW338A

Força Aérea Portuguesa (Portuguese Airforce), Portugal
15105 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 11/08 AFP50 / Dep. 15/09 AFP53
15110 F-16AM Esq201/301 Arr. 11/08 AFP51 / Dep. 15/09 AFP52

16805 C-130H-30 Esq501 Arr. / Dep. 11-08 AFP26
16803 C-130H Esq501 Arr. / Dep. 15-09 AFP71


Logbook Vliehors "Cornfield" range, Vlieland

Final Mission employment The final mission employment phase combines all the techniques and tactics taught during the previous phases.
The phase included flying with live ordnance and coordinating with other air and ground assets in complex real-world missions.
At the end off course October 27th there will be a end presentation and a graduation at November 9th.

November 9th presentation and Graduation party

On the last two days of the FWIT is on the first day Tactics symposium
for all current Weapon Instructors and students present their final study.
In the evening they received their weapons instructor badge.
The next day is the official graduation with multiple briefings and presentations.

During the training, participants wear still left badge.
On November 9th, the graduation and were 19 new weapon instructors for the Fighter Weapons Instructor Training 2017.
From that moment , they may wear the right badge.

Visitors FWIT End presentation and Graduation party

FB-22 F-16BM 2 Wing Arr. 08/11 BAF271
30+60 EF-2000 TaktLwG73 Arr. 09/11 / Dep. 10/11 GAFS01
CE-01 ERJ-135LR 15 Wing Arr./Dep. 09/11 BAF611
CE-02 ERJ-135LR 15 Wing Arr./Dep. 10/11 BAF612

Mission times:

During the FWIT the students will make 2 waves a day (1145-1330LT and 1445-1630LT) with F-16's,
besite the regular flying Program of the Leeuwarden based F-16's.

Evening flying
Starts in September and will also take place in Norway, at Bodø

FWIT Mission Callsign's:

Mission callsign's

281.550 ch.u02 - Ground
247.675 ch.u03 120.705 ch.v03 Tower
337.000 ch.u04 132.030 ch.v04 Rapcon North
279.525 ch.u07 - Arrival
264.325 ch.u06 132.350 Dutchmil
360.625 ch.u10 - Monitor TMA-A
397.275 - Dutchmil Pri.
279.000 Pri. Ch.14 138.075 Range control
369.200 Sec. 122.100 Range control
379.850, 317.670 360.875, 258.000 355.625, 316.075
376.775, 245.450 361.400, 368.800 315.270, 277.450
FWIT2017 Air to Air
138.425 VIPER 138.500 KING 138.575
138.850 DEVIL 138.875 139.450
142.050 FANG 140.500 141.225
141.500 142.925 EVIL 328.375 OPS.
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Credit's; P.R.Kroese, MinDef, scramble, lw-patch.nl, and other who wants to stay anonymous.
      All rights reserved & Copyright © 2006-2017 P.R.Kroese