April 1th until April 12th FRISIAN FLAG 2019


The exercise "Frisian Flag" is a big exercise who two weeks lasts, with Multi-international cooperation between
NATO and non-NATO countries and with realistic defensive and offensive scenario's.

Under supervision by the 322Tactess based at Leeuwarden Airbase.

Purpose of the exercise Frisian Flag is to promote coöperation between NATO and non-NATO airforces.
In several areas in the world has been previously shown that international cooperation is essential to operate successfully from the air.
Think of previous actions in Libya, Afghanistan and as resently the mission against IS in Iraq and Syria.
And also the NATO Baltic Air Policing duty

F-16AM/BM 16x Royal Netherlands Airforce
J-146 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW11 / Dep. 12-04 BONZO4
J-017 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW12 / Dep. 12-04 BONZO3
J-512 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW13 / Dep. 12-04 BONZO1 (pm)
J-001 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW14 / Dep. 12-04 BONZO2
J-646 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 POKER33 / Dep. 12-04 STING4
J-197 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 POKER34 / Dep. 12-04 BONZO1
J-008 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW14 / Dep. 12-04 TIGER1
J-063 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW11 / Dep. 12-04 STING3
J-020 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW12 / Dep. 12-04 STING2
J-003 F-16AM 312/3sq Arr. 29-03 SAW13 / Dep. 12-04 STING1
J-060, J-135, J-201, F-16AM 322Tactess Based at FighterTown Leeuwarden
J-362, J-631, J-616, - - -
J-871, - - -
J-065 F-16BM 322Tactess Weatherflight during FF2019
J-066 F-16BM 322Tactess Weatherflight during FF2019

Support Tdy deployment F-16AM by road from/to Volkel.

Mirage 2000D Nancy / Ochey, LFSO Armee De L' Air / FAF
625/30-XG Mirage 2000D EC03.003 Arr. 29-03 FAF7263A / Dep. 12-04 FAF7261A
677/3-JT Mirage 2000D EC02.003 Arr. 29-03 FAF7263B / Dep. 12-04 MOTHER36
680/3-XM Mirage 2000D EC03.003 Arr. 29-03 FAF7262 / Dep. 12-04 MOTHER35
635/3-AS Mirage 2000D EC03.003 Arr. 29-03 FAF7261 / Dep. 12-04 FAF7261B

Support Tdy deployment Mirage 2000D by road from/to France.

EF2000 GAF / Luftwaffe
31+46 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK31A / Dep. 12-04 BEAST06 (GAFK32)
31+28 EF2000T TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK31C / Dep. 12-04 GAFK35
31+33 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK31B / Dep. 12-04 GAFK37
30+98 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK51A / Dep. 12-04 GAFK33

31+05 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK51B / Dep. 12-04 GAFK36
30+74 EF2000 TLG74 Arr. 28-03 GAFN741A / Dep. 12-04 SHOCK74 (GAFN74)
30+70 EF2000 TLG74 Arr. 28-03 GAFN741B

31+45 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK41 / Dep. 12-04 DEVIL75 (GAFK..)
31+41 EF2000 TLG31 Arr. 28-03 GAFK42 / Dep. 12-04 GAFK34
30+82 EF2000 TLG71 Arr. 28-03 GAFR07 / Dep. 12-04 SHOCK72 (GAFK71)

Support Tdy deployment EF2000 by road from/to Germany.

F-16C/D Polish Airforce
4040 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF652A / Dep. 12-04 PLF652A
4061 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF652B / Dep. 12-04 PLF650C

4056 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF652C / Dep. 12-04 PLF650A
4054 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF652D / Dep. 12-04 PLF652D

4053 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF650A / Dep. 12-04 PLF652C
4073 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF650B / Dep. 12-04 PLF650D

4076 F-16D-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF650C / Dep. 12-04 PLF650B
4051 F-16C-52CF 31.BLT/ 3&6.elt Arr. 29-03 PLF650D / Dep. 12-04 PLF652B

Support Tdy deployment F-16CM/DM from/to Poland.
023 C-295M 13.Elt Arr. / Dep. 29-03 PLF033

015 C-295M 13.Elt Arr. / Dep. 29-03 PLF034
015 C-295M 13.Elt Arr. / Dep. 12-04 PLF034

012 C-295M 13.Elt Arr. / Dep. 12-04 PLF033

0219 M-28B/PT 8.Bltr Arr. 11-04 PLF/ Dep. 12-04 PLF117

F/A-18C/D Swiss Airforce, (Schweizer Luftwaffe)
J-5026 F/A-18C-49MC Staffel.. Arr. 29-03 SUI411 / Dep. 09-04 SUI412
J-5003 F/A-18C-48MC Staffel.. Arr. 29-03 SUI412 / Dep. 09-04 SUI411
J-5007 F/A-18C-48MC Staffel.. Arr. 29-03 SUI413 / Dep. 09-04 SUI414
J-5011 F/A-18C-49MC Staffel.. Arr. 29-03 SUI414 / Dep. 09-04 SUI413

Support Tdy deployment F/A-18C from/to Swiss.
T-729 Beech 1900D LTDB Arr. / Dep. 27-03 SUI568
T-785 Falcon 900EX LTDB Arr. / Dep. 28-03 SUI586
T-785 Falcon 900EX LTDB Arr. / Dep. 29-03 SUI568
T-721 Beech 350C BFL Arr. / Dep. 02-04 SUI568
T-721 Beech 350C BFL Arr. / Dep. 09-04 SUI568
T-785 Falcon 900EX LTDB Arr. / Dep. 10-04 SUI568
T-729 Beech 1900D LTDB Arr. / Dep. 11-04 SUI568

F-16C/D Minnesota ANG
91-0341 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 29-03 TREND71 / Dep. 17-04 TREND72
91-0349 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 29-03 TREND72 / Dep. 17-04 TREND75
91-0410 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 29-03 TREND73 / Dep. 17-04 TREND76
96-0081 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 29-03 TREND74 / Dep. 17-04 TREND73
91-0405 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 29-03 TREND75 / Dep. 17-04 TREND71
96-0082 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 30-03 TREND81 / Dep. 17-04 TREND84
91-0406 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 30-03 TREND82 / Dep. 17-04 TREND81
91-0408 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 30-03 TREND83 / Dep. 17-04 TREND83
90-0831 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 30-03 TREND84 / Dep. 17-04 TREND74
91-0409 F-16CM-50CF 179FS/148FW Arr. 30-03 TREND85 / Dep. 17-04 TREND82

Support Tdy deployment F-16CM from/to Duluth, USA.
00-0183 C-17A 145th AW Arr. / Dep. 26-03 REACH321 (CHARLOTTE)
02-1112 C-17A 183rd AS Arr. / Dep. 27-03 REACH437 (MISSISSIPPI)
96-0005 C-17A 137th AS Arr. / Dep. 27-03 REACH347 (STEWART)
03-3117 C-17A 183rd AS/172th AW Arr. / Dep. 16-04 REACH317 (MISSISSIPPI)
00-0183 C-17A 145th AW Arr. / Dep. 17-04 REACH142 (CHARLOTTE)
86-1190 C-17A 167th AS Arr. / Dep. 17-04 REACH601 (MARTINSBURG)

Groningen / Eelde Airport : Support Tdy deployment F-16CM from/to Duluth, USA.
N465MC B-747-446 Atlas Air Arr./ Dep. 27-03 GTI8788
N830MH B-767-400ER Delta Airlines Arr. 13-04 DAL8821 / Dep. 13-04 DAL8957

Electronic warfare and Jamming
Mission Callsign: COLT47 Jamming A/C
G-FRAJ Falcon20DC Cobham Arr. 01-04 / Dep.12-04 RUSHTON/FRA85

Expected Mission-Times:

1st wave Launch 0900-1000Lt--> Mission 0930-1130Lt --> Recovery / RTB 1100-1200Lt
2nd wave Launch 1300-1400Lt--> Mission 1330-1530Lt --> Recovery / RTB 1500-1600Lt

Frisian Flag Mission Callsign's:

Mission Callsign BLUE AIR :
Mission Callsign RED AIR :


Purpose of the exercise Frisian Flag is to promote coöperation between NATO and non-NATO airforces.
In several areas in the world has been previously shown that international cooperation is essential to operate successfully from the air.
Think of previous actions in Libya, Afghanistan and as resently the mission against IS in Iraq and Syria.
And also the NATO Baltic Air Policing duty


281.5500 ch.u02 - Ground
247.6750 ch.u03 120.7050 ch.v03 Tower
337.0000 ch.u04 132.0300 ch.v04 Rapcon North
264.3250 ch.u06 132.3500 Dutchmil Info
279.5250 ch.u07 - Arrival
397.2750 128.335 DM Pri. below FL195
Support Transport A/C
- 134.3750 North NL UP FL195 & FL245
- 120.8300 Dutchmil Radar Upper

Operating areas are northern Delta's; CORNFIELD-range (EHR-4A);Marnewaard (EHR-2) and area west of the coast village Zurich,
south of Harlingen. Within a range of 20 Km around Zurich an altitude is used of 1200 feet, except the Waddenzee,
marnewaard also 1200 feet is allowed, without the Waddenzee and the Waddenzee a minimum altitude of 1500 feet.
Also the Frisian Flag can use the dutch Delta's 1-10 located above the North sea for
unrestricted air operations and also the North-western German airspace.

Frisian Flag at the EHR-4 Vliehors range, Vlieland, NATO Codename "Cornfield"

UHF - -
379.8500 ...... CRC "GREY1"
317.6750 ...... CRC "GREY2"
389.6500 ...... CRC "BLUE1"
342.0000 ...... CRC "BLUE3"
375.4750 ...... CRC "RED1"
362.6250 ...... CRC "RED2"
355.6250 ...... CRC "GOLD1"
368.8000 ...... CRC "GOLD2"
316.0750 ...... CRC "GOLD3"
294.6000 ...... CRC "GOLD4"
277.4500 ...... CRC "GOLD5"
258.0000 ...... CRC "YELLOW1"
360.8750 ...... CRC "ORANGE1"

European Air-to-Air Refueling Training, EART2019
Also this episode of the Frisian Flag, the Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) missions are supported by Tankers,
of the "EART" (European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training) from the EATC (European Air Transport Command).
participating from Eindhoven Air Base (EHEH).

Expected participants EART2019 Tdy Eindhoven (EHEH)
T-264 KDC-10 334sq A-A Refuelling via Boom, Mission C/S TEXACO41
10+25 A-310 MRTT FBS-BMVG A-A Refuelling via Droge, Mission C/S COBO43
ZZ330 A-330 Voyager KC2/3 No.10/101sq A-A Refuelling via Boom & Droge, Mission C/S RAVEN50
.../..-.. C-135FR CRV02-091 A-A Refuelling via Boom & Droge, Mission C/S MARCOTTE44
Various KC-135R 100th ARW A-A Refuelling via Boom, Mission C/S QUIT..

Frequency: Air to Air refueling EART
299.6000 YELLOW4 TEXACO41 Boom Freq.
308.0000 YELLOW5 COBO43 Boom Freq.
256.275 YELLOW7 MARCOTTE44 Boom
Credit's; P.R.Kroese, FAF, Joostmil, MinDef, Anonymous lw-patch.nl, and other who wants to stay anonymous.
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